Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! Whether you are single or paired, there is always going to be someone in your life that you love.
So this Valentine’s Day, I challenge you to do at least one of the following ways to show someone you care:
1) Pick up the phone and call.
Yes, I mean call not text 🙂 It’s always so much more personal when you take the time and call someone you love. So this Valentine’s Day ditch that mass text you send out wishing everyone a “Happy Valentine’s Day” and call the people who mean something special to you. Tell them that you love them, and how happy you are that they are in your life.
2) Spend some quality time
With our busy schedules, it’s so easy to get caught up in our own lives and forget about the people around us. Blocking out an hour or two for some quality time with friends and family can drastically improve your well being. This Valentine’s Day, go out for a lovely dinner with your husband, or meet a friend for coffee. Just make sure that you are truly present in the moment and are enjoying eachother’s company.
3) Gift a little
Who doesn’t love presents!?! And THE gift to give on Valentine’s Day is a bouquet of flowers! My mom loves flowers but she lives in Iowa, so I always use to make sure she gets beautiful blooms for every occasion. Also, if you are like me and want your flowers to last more than 2 weeks, consider getting your Valentine potted flowers that will last and grow. If you use this link, you can get 20% off your order with discount code WHYILOVE.
4) Lend a helping hand
This is one of my favorites! I will always take a helping hand when it comes to chores or finishing off my piles of work. Show a little appreciation by helping your spouse with a chore or a friend in need.
5) Hugs and Kisses
Sometimes we all just need a hug! After a rough day at work, all I want is to cuddle with my dogs and husband (and a large glass of wine). Valentine’s Day is on a Tuesday this year, so even if you don’t have extravagant plans, just plan to have a lovely night in with some steamy hugs and kisses 😉
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Hugs and kisses is my favorite from all what you named. Haha. I love to snuggle with my hubby before bed time!
Wow I absolutely love all these tips so much! I think it is so important to show the people we love just how much we care about them.
Awesome tips Jenny! Calling definitely makes a difference because it feels more personal than reading a chunk of text. Hope u enjoyed your V Day btw !
This is such a special post ! I absolutely love all your suggestions especially about giving someone a call. Nowadays communication is so little, with all the texting. A real live phone call is so appreciated.
The thing I love about this is that these are things that we should naturally be doing all the time! we need to be aware that valentines day is no excuse to show some love to the people around you – it’s something we should always keep in mind.
Phone calls, gifts and hugs are all so natural and we need to show these things more often.
This list is a great reminder for everyone to spread the love everyday and it doesn’t have to be extravagant!
Aww, this is so touching. I absolutely agree about the hugs and the phone calls! Sometimes it’s just so important to hear the voice of someone you love. And yeah, hugs and kisses are the best. Because the gift itself is not so important as the true warm feeling and hugs.
Cheers, Eliza |
Those are just simple basics of how to maintaining a relationship, but sometimes we get to so carried away by the busy lives and tend to forget about the simple basics in life. Thanks for such a great post babe!
xx Jessie
This post is so inspiring, thank you for sharing 🙂
xo, Maryam
Hello dear!
Nice tips. The best tip and love demonstration is to help somebody who need it.
This is the best .
All of these tips are perfect for Valentines day but even more so great things to try to do every week. For us, we have two little ones and our family is far away so our Valentines consist of eating chocolate and binge watching Netflix which is absolutely perfect for us in this season. Extra help is something my husband definitely appreciates and is even more important to him then gifts! Lovely post! Also, your images are so beautiful!
Manda | http;//
How and Sweet Post Darling:)
Totally agree with you:)
And actually I do not just for Valentine’s day
I think we should every week do small things:)
Happy Week
Kisses Karina
Such a heart warming post. Just what I needed to read on a dreary Wednesday. I actually just made myself a promise (thanks to you) to do something out of all five things listed tomorrow. And I’ve got the best excuse too as it’s my grandma’s birthday so that should cover #1. 🙂
Thank you for spreading love!
Aww I love this. I always think little gestures or gifts are always the best to show someone you care
Such a beautiful message in this post! Presents are always nice, but there are so many great ways to show your love for someone!
I love the tips that you’ve written they’re all on point and should be given anytime not just on special occasion!